IPAC2010 TUPEA063 IPAC2010 Logo
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Title Commissioning of the LHC Low Level RF System Remote Configuration Tools Submitted 25-NOV-09 16:42 (UTC)
Classification 07 Accelerator Technology Modified 19-MAY-10 00:30 (UTC)
Presentation Poster
Presenter Daniel Van Winkle Paper ID TUPEA063
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Author(s) Daniel Van Winkle, John Fox, Themis Mastorides, Claudio Hector Rivetta (SLAC, Menlo Park, California), Philippe Baudrenghien, Andrew Butterworth, John Cornelis Molendijk (CERN, Geneva)
Abstract The LHC Low Level RF system (LLRF) is a complex multi-loop system used to regulate the superconductive cavity gap voltage as well as to reduce the impedance presented by RF stations to the beam. The RF system can have a profound impact on the stability of the beam; a mis-configured RF system has the potential of causing longitudinal instabilities, beam diffusion and beam loss. To configure the RF station for operation, a set of parameters in the LLRF multi-loop system have to be defined. Initial system commissioning as well as ongoing operation requires a consistent method of computer based remote measurement and model-based design of each RF station feedback system. This paper describes the suite of Matlab tools used for configuring the LHC RF system during the start up in Nov2009-Feb2010. We present a brief overview of the tool, examples of commissioning results, and basics of the model-based design algorithms. This work complements our previous presentation [1], where the algorithms and methodology followed in the tools were described.
Word Count: 168  Character Count: 1041
Footnote [1] D. Van Winkle et. al. ¿Feedback Configuration Tools for LHC Low Level RF System,¿ PAC¿09, Vancouver, Canada, May 2009, THZCH03, p. 249 (2009); http://www.JACoW.org.
Funding Agency Work supported by Department of Energy contract DE--AC03--76SF00515 and the US LHC Accelerator Research Program (LARP).

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SPMS Author:  Matthew Arena — Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
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