IPAC2010 TUPEB079 IPAC2010 Logo
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Title BPM Design and Impedance Considerations for a Rotatable Collimator for the LHC Collimation Upgrade Submitted 07-DEC-09 23:42 (UTC)
Classification 01 Circular Colliders Modified 18-MAY-10 04:12 (UTC)
Presentation Poster
Presenter Jeffrey Claiborne Smith Paper ID TUPEB079
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Author(s) Jeffrey Claiborne Smith, Lewis Keller, Steven Lundgren, Thomas Walter Markiewicz, Andrew Young (SLAC, Menlo Park, California)
Abstract The Phase II upgrade to the LHC collimation system calls for complementing the 30 high robust Phase I graphite secondary collimators with 30 high Z Phase II collimators. This paper reports on BPM and impedance considerations and measurements of the integrated BPMs in the prototype rotatable collimator to be installed in the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) at CERN. The BPMs are necessary to align the jaws with the beam. Without careful design the beam impedance can result in unacceptable heating of the chamber wall or beam instabilities. The impedance measurements involve utilizing both a single displaced wire and two wires excited in opposite phase to disentangle the driving and detuning transverse impedances. Trapped mode resonances and longitudinal impedance are to also be measured and compared with simulations. These measurements, when completed, will demonstrate the device is fully operational and has the impedance characteristics and BPM performance acceptable for installation in the SPS.
Word Count: 152  Character Count: 998
Funding Agency This work partially supported by the DOE through the US LHC Accelerator Research Program (LARP).

Please contact the IPAC2010 Database Administrator with questions, problems or suggestions. 03-DEC-24 16:46 (UTC)
SPMS Author:  Matthew Arena — Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
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