IPAC2010 TUPEB080 IPAC2010 Logo
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Title Comparison of Carbon and Hi-Z Primary Collimators for the LHC Phase II Collimation System Submitted 07-DEC-09 23:46 (UTC)
Classification 01 Circular Colliders Modified 24-MAY-10 08:05 (UTC)
Presentation Poster
Presenter Jeffrey Claiborne Smith Paper ID TUPEB080
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Author(s) Lewis Keller, Thomas Walter Markiewicz, Jeffrey Claiborne Smith (SLAC, Menlo Park, California), Ralph Assmann, Chiara Bracco (CERN, Geneva), Thomas Weiler (KIT, Karlsruhe)
Abstract A current issue with the LHC collimation system is single-diffractive, off-energy protons from the primary collimators that pass completely through the secondary collimation system and are absorbed immediately downbeam in the cold magnets of the dispersion suppression section. Simulations suggest that the high impact rate could result in quenching of these magnets. We have studied replacing the 60 cm primary graphite collimators, which remove halo mainly by inelastic strong interactions, with 5.25 mm tungsten, which remove halo mainly by multiple coulomb scattering and thereby reduce the rate of single-diffractive interactions which cause losses in the dispersion suppressor.
Word Count: 97  Character Count: 675
Funding Agency This work partially supported by the DOE through the US LHC Accelerator Research Program (LARP).

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SPMS Author:  Matthew Arena — Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
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