IPAC2010 TUPD018 IPAC2010 Logo
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Title Electron-cloud Build-up Simulations in the Proposed PS2: Status Report Submitted 08-DEC-09 19:52 (UTC)
Classification 05 Beam Dynamics and Electromagnetic Fields Modified 09-DEC-09 11:03 (UTC)
Presentation Poster
Presenter Riccardo De Maria Paper ID TUPD018
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Author(s) Miguel Furman (LBNL, Berkeley, California), Riccardo De Maria, Yannis Papaphilippou, Giovanni Rumolo (CERN, Geneva)
Abstract A replacement for the PS storage ring is being considered, in the context of the future LHC accelerator complex upgrade, that would likely place the new machine (the PS2) in a regime where the electron-cloud (EC) effect might be an operational limitation. We report here our present understanding of the ECE build-up based on simulations. We focus our attention on the bending magnets and the field-free regions, and consider both proposed bunch spacings of 25 and 50 ns. The primary model parameters exercised are the peak secondary emission yield (SEY) delta_max, and the electron-wall impact energy at which SEY peaks, E_max. By choosing reasonable values for such quantities, and exploring variations around them, we estimate the range for the EC density n_e to be expected in nominal operation. We present most of our results as a function of bunch intensity N_b, and we provide a tentative explanation for a curious non-monotonic behavior of n_e as a function of N_b. We explore the sensitivity of n_e to other variables such as the beam pipe radius in the field-free regions.
Word Count: 178  Character Count: 1067
Funding Agency Work supported by the US DOE under contracts DE-AC02-05CH11231 (LBNL), by the DOE-funded US-LHC Accelerator Research Program (LARP), and by CERN.

Please contact the IPAC2010 Database Administrator with questions, problems or suggestions. 08-SEP-24 03:52 (UTC)
SPMS Author:  Matthew Arena — Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
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