Session : FRA - 16 OCTOBER 2009
Web Technology

Introducing CAML II   FRA001.PDF
Matthew Boyes (SLAC, Menlo Park, California), Thomas Pelaia (ORNL, Oak Ridge, Tennessee)
A REST service for IRMIS3   FRA002.PDF
Gabriele Carcassi (BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York)
Service Oriented Status Monitoring for DIP Middleware   FRA003.PDF
Brice Copy (CERN, Geneva)
E-logbook Reloaded - or the Renovation of DESYs Electronic Logbook   FRA004.PDF
Raimund Kammering, Kay Rehlich, Johannes Strampe (DESY, Hamburg)
GumTree Decoded   FRA005.PDF
Tony Lam, Paul Hathaway, Norman Xiong (ANSTO, Menai, New South Wales), Nick Hauser (ANSTO, Menai)
Evaluating the OMG Data Distribution Service (DDS) for Accelerator Control Systems   FRA006.PDF
Nanbor Wang, Svetlana Shasharina (Tech-X, Boulder, Colorado)