IPAC2010 WEOBRA02 IPAC2010 Logo
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Title Simulation of E-Cloud Driven Instability and its Attenuation using a Feedback System in the CERN SPS Submitted 09-DEC-09 13:41 (UTC)
Classification 05 Beam Dynamics and Electromagnetic Fields Modified 25-MAY-10 01:44 (UTC)
Presentation Contributed Oral
Speaker: Jean-Luc Vay Paper ID WEOBRA02
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Author(s) Jean-Luc Vay, John Byrd, Miguel Furman, Gregory Penn, Raffaello Secondo, Marco Venturini (LBNL, Berkeley, California), Wolfgang Höfle (CERN, Geneva), John Fox, Claudio Hector Rivetta (SLAC, Menlo Park, California)
Abstract Electron clouds impose limitations on current accelerators that may be more severe for future machines, unless adequate measures of mitigation are taken. Recently, it has been proposed to use feedback systems operating at high frequency (in the GHz range) to damp single-bunch transverse coherent oscillations that may otherwise be amplified during the interaction of the beam with ambient electron clouds. We have used the simulation package WARP-POSINST to study the growth rate and frequency patterns in space-time of the electron cloud driven transverse instability in the CERN SPS accelerator with, or without, an idealized feedback model for damping the instability. We will present our latest simulation results, contrast them with actual measurements and discuss the implications for the design of the actual feedback system.
Word Count: 124  Character Count: 824
Funding Agency Supported by the US-DOE under Contract DE-AC02-05CH11231 and the US-LHC Accelerator Research Program (LARP). Used resources of NERSC and the Lawrencium cluster at LBNL.

Please contact the IPAC2010 Database Administrator with questions, problems or suggestions. 15-SEP-24 07:52 (UTC)
SPMS Author:  Matthew Arena — Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
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