Session : MOPD - 24 MAY 2010 |
Poster Session |
Spin Dynamics Simulations At AGS |
Francois Meot (CEA/DSM/IRFU, ), Haixin Huang, William W. MacKay, Thomas Roser (BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York) |
Acceleration of Intermediate Charge State Heavy Ions in SIS18 |
Peter J. Spiller, Hartmut Eickhoff, Holger Kollmus, Patrick Puppel, Hartmut Reich-Sprenger (GSI, Darmstadt), Lars Bozyk (FIAS, Frankfurt am Main) |
Engineering Status of SIS100 |
Peter J. Spiller, Udo Blell, Lars Bozyk, Hartmut Eickhoff, Egbert Fischer, Eric Floch, Frank Hagenbuck, Marion Kauschke, Andreas Kraemer, Jan Patrick Meier, Carsten Muehle, Niels Pyka, Sebastian Ratschow, Hartmut Reich-Sprenger, Pierre Schnitzer, Jens Stadlmann, Stefan Wilfert (GSI, Darmstadt) |
Magnetic Field Correction in Normal Conducting Synchrotrons |
Eike Feldmeier, Thomas Haberer, Andreas Peters, Christian Schömers, Rudolf Steiner (HIT, Heidelberg) |
Design of PEFP RCS |
Ji-Ho Jang, Yong-Sub Cho, Han-Sung Kim, Hyeok-Jung Kwon (KAERI, Daejon), Yong Yung Lee (BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York) |
Design of the Nuclotron Booster in the NICA Project |
Anatoly O. Sidorin, Nicolai Agapov, Alexey Eliseev, Viktor Karpinsky, Hamlet Georgievich Khodzhibagiyan, Alexander Kovalenko, Grigori Kuznetsov, Igor Nikolai Meshkov, Vladimir Mikhaylov, Valery Monchinsky, Alexander V. Smirnov, Grigoriy Trubnikov, Bogdan Vasilishin (JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region), Andrey Butenko (JINR/VBLHEP, Moscow) |
Status of the Nuclotron. 'Nuclotron-M' project |
Anatoly O. Sidorin, Nicolai Agapov, V. Batin, Andrey Butenko, Denis Evgenjevich Donets, Alexey Eliseev, Alexander Govorov, Viktor Karpinsky, Vladimir D Kekelidze, Hamlet Georgievich Khodzhibagiyan, Alexander Kirichenko, Oleg Kozlov, Igor Nikolai Meshkov, Vladimir Mikhaylov, Valery Monchinsky, Sergey Romanov, Vladimir Shevtsov, Alexei Norairovich Sissakian, I. Slepnev, V. Slepnev, Grigoriy Trubnikov, Bogdan Vasilishin, Valery Volkov (JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region), Victor Alexandrov (BINP SB RAS, Protvino, Moscow Region), Oleg Brovko, Alexander Kovalenko (JINR/VBLHEP, Moscow) |
Injector Complex of the NICA Facility |
Anatoly O. Sidorin, Andrey Butenko, Evgeny Denisovich Donets, Evgeny Evgenievich Donets, V. Fimushkin, Alexander Govorov, Valery Kobets, Igor Nikolai Meshkov, Valery Monchinsky, Grigoriy Trubnikov (JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region), Oleg Belyaev, Yury A. Budanov, A. Maltsev, Igor Zvonarev (IHEP Protvino, Protvino, Moscow Region), Valery Kapin (MEPhI, Moscow), Aleksandr Belov (RAS/INR, Moscow) |
Lattice of the NICA Collider Rings |
Anatoly O. Sidorin, Oleg Kozlov, Igor Nikolai Meshkov, Vladimir Mikhaylov, Grigoriy Trubnikov (JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region), Yurij Senichev (FZJ, Jülich), Valeri Lebedev, Sergei Nagaitsev (Fermilab, Batavia) |
Project of the Nuclotron-Based Ion Collider Facility (Nica) at JINR |
Anatoly O. Sidorin, Igor Nikolai Meshkov, Grigoriy Trubnikov (JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region), Alexander Kovalenko (JINR/VBLHEP, Moscow) |
Upgrade of the Quench Protection Systems for the Superconducting Circuits of the LHC Machine at CERN: From Concept and Design to the First Operational Experience |
Fabio Formenti, Zinour Charifoulline, Gert-Jan Coelingh, Knud Dahlerup-Petersen, Reiner Denz, Alan Honma, Emmanuele Ravaioli, Ruediger Schmidt, Andrzej Piotr Siemko, Jens Steckert (CERN, Geneva), Sandor Feher, Robert Henry Flora, Howard Pfeffer (Fermilab, Batavia) |
Single-batch Filling of the CERN PS for LHC-type Beams |
Steven Hancock, Christian Carli, Jean-Francois Comblin, Alan Findlay, Klaus Hanke, Bettina Mikulec (CERN, Geneva) |
Status of the Linac4 Project at CERN |
Klaus Hanke, Christian Carli, Roland Garoby, Frank Gerigk, Alessandra Maria Lombardi, Stephan Maury, Carlo Rossi, Maurizio Vretenar (CERN, Geneva) |
Injection Upgrades for the ISIS Synchrotron |
John Thomason, Dean Adams, David Findlay, Ian Gardner, Stephen Jago, Bryan Jones, Alan P. Letchford, Robert Mathieson, Stephen John Payne, Ben Graeme Pine, Andrew Seville, Hayley Victoria Smith, Christopher Warsop, Robert Williamson (STFC/RAL/ISIS, Chilton, Didcot, Oxon), Jaroslaw Pasternak (STFC/RAL, Chilton, Didcot, Oxon), Christopher Prior, Grahame Hughes Rees (STFC/RAL/ASTeC, Chilton, Didcot, Oxon) |
Impedance Considerations for the Design of the Vacuum System of the CERN PS2 Proton Synchrotron |
Karl Leopold Freitag Bane, Gennady Stupakov, Ulrich Wienands (SLAC, Menlo Park, California), Michael Benedikt, Alexej Grudiev, Edgar Mahner (CERN, Geneva) |
A New Life for High Voltage Electrostatic Accelerators |
Paul Beasley, Oliver Heid, Timothy Hughes (Siemens AG, Erlangen) |
Tandem Accelerator as the Injector for the Medical-use Synchrotron at the Wakasa-wan Energy Research Center |
Satoshi Hatori, Sadayoshi Fukumoto, Yutaka Hayashi, Hiroshige Kagawa, Tetsuro Kurita, Eisuke John Minehara, Shin'ya Nagasaki, Yoshinori Nakata, Tetsuya Odagiri, Mark Shimada, Hiroyuki Yamada, Fumiyoshi Yamaguchi, Hisao Yamamoto, Masao Yodose (WERC, Tsuruga , Fukui) |
Ion Injector Based on Tandem Accelerator |
Aleksey Semenov, Victor Cherepkov, Viatcheslav Klyuev, Eugene Sergey Konstantinov, Eduard Kuper, Vitaly Mamkin, Anatoly Stepanovich Medvedko, Petr IIvanovich Nemytov, Vladimir Valeryevich Repkov, Vladimir Borisovich Reva, Rustam Salimov, Dmitriy Senkov, Vladimir Vostrikov (BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk) |
Low Energy Ion Injector at KACST |
Mohamed El Ghazaly, Anas Ali Almukhem, Ahmed Mandil (KACST, Riyadh), Carsten Peter Welsch (Cockcroft Institute, Warrington, Cheshire; The University of Liverpool, Liverpool), Alexander Ivanovich Papash [on leave] (MPI-K, Heidelberg; JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region) |
Design of a Combined Fast and Slow Extraction for the Ultra-low Energy Storage Ring (USR) |
Galina Karamysheva (JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region), Carsten Peter Welsch (Cockcroft Institute, Warrington, Cheshire; The University of Liverpool, Liverpool), Alexander Ivanovich Papash (MPI-K, Heidelberg; JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region) |
DITANET - Investigations into Accelerator Beam Diagnostics |
Carsten Peter Welsch (Cockcroft Institute, Warrington, Cheshire; The University of Liverpool, Liverpool) |
Scintillating Screen Studies for Low Energy, Low Intensity Beams |
Janusz Harasimowicz, Carsten Peter Welsch (Cockcroft Institute, Warrington, Cheshire; The University of Liverpool, Liverpool), Luigi Cosentino, Paolo Finocchiaro, Alfio Pappalardo (INFN/LNS, Catania) |
Status of the SPIRAL 2 Superconducting LINAC |
Pierre-Emmanuel Bernaudin, Robin Ferdinand (GANIL, Caen), Pierre Bosland (CEA/DSM/IRFU, ), Guillaume Olry (IPN, Orsay), Yolanda Gomez-Martinez (LPSC, Grenoble Cedex) |
Unsegmented vs. Segmented 4-Vane RFQ: Theory and Cold Model Experiments |
Alain France, Olivier Delferriere, Michel Desmons, Yannick Le Noa, Jorge Novo, Olivier Piquet (CEA/DSM/IRFU, ) |
The RF Design of the Linac4 RFQ |
Olivier Piquet, Olivier Delferriere, Michel Desmons, Alain France (CEA/DSM/IRFU, ), Alessandra Maria Lombardi, Carlo Rossi, Maurizio Vretenar (CERN, Geneva) |
Commissioning of a New CW Radio Frequency Quadrupole at GSI |
Peter Gerhard, Winfried A. Barth, Ludwig A. Dahl, Anna Orzhekhovskaya, Klaus Tinschert, Wolfgang Vinzenz, Hartmut Vormann, Stepan Yaramyshev (GSI, Darmstadt), Alwin Schempp, Markus Vossberg (IAP, Frankfurt am Main) |
Development of a new Broadband Accelerating System for the SIS18 Upgrade at GSI |
Peter Hülsmann, Robert Balss, Harald Klingbeil, Ulrich Laier, Klaus-Peter Ningel, Christof Thielmann, Bernhard Zipfel (GSI, Darmstadt) |
The New CW RFQ Prototype |
Ulrich Bartz, Johannes Manfred Maus, Norbert Mueller, Alwin Schempp (IAP, Frankfurt am Main) |
Development And Measurements on a Coupled CH Proton Linac for FAIR |
Robert Brodhage, Holger Podlech, Ulrich Ratzinger (IAP, Frankfurt am Main), Gianluigi Clemente, Lars Groening (GSI, Darmstadt) |
Superconducting CH-Cavity Development |
Marco Busch, Michael Amberg, Florian Dziuba, Holger Podlech, Ulrich Ratzinger (IAP, Frankfurt am Main), Winfried A. Barth (GSI, Darmstadt) |
Simulation for a Beam Matching Section with RFQSIM |
Norbert Mueller, Markus Baschke, Johannes Manfred Maus, Alwin Schempp (IAP, Frankfurt am Main) |
Beam measurements at the Frankfurt Funneling Experiment |
Norbert Mueller, Ulrich Bartz, Markus Baschke, Alwin Schempp, Janet Susan Schmidt (IAP, Frankfurt am Main) |
Janet Susan Schmidt, Johannes Manfred Maus, Norbert Mueller, Alwin Schempp (IAP, Frankfurt am Main), Juergen Haeuser (Kress GmbH, Biebergemuend), Oliver Karl Kester (NSCL, East Lansing, Michigan) |
Simulations of Buncher-cavities with Large Apertures |
Patricia Larissa Till, Philipp Kolb, Alwin Schempp, Janet Susan Schmidt, Markus Vossberg (IAP, Frankfurt am Main) |
Recent Studies on a 3-17MeV DTL for EUROTRANS with Respect to RF Structures and Beam Dynamics |
Chuan Zhang, Marco Busch, Florian Dziuba, Horst Klein, Holger Podlech, Ulrich Ratzinger (IAP, Frankfurt am Main) |
Secondary Particles in the Acceleration Stage of High Current, High Voltage Neutral Beam Injectors: the Case of the Injectors of the Thermonuclear Fusion Experiment ITER |
Gianluigi Serianni, Piero Agostinetti, Vanni Antoni, Giuseppe Chitarin, Erica Gazza, Nicolò Marconato, Nicola Pilan, Pierluigi Veltri (Consorzio RFX, Padova), Gwenael Fubiani (GREPHE/LAPLACE, Toulouse), Marco Cavenago (INFN/LNL, Legnaro (PD)) |
Recent Progress in the Beam Commissioning of J-PARC Linac |
Masanori Ikegami (KEK, Ibaraki), Hiroyuki Sako (JAEA, Ibaraki-ken), Guohui Wei (JAEA/J-PARC, Tokai-Mura, Naka-Gun, Ibaraki-Ken), Akihiko Miura (JAEA/J-PARC, Tokai-mura) |
Commissionning of the IFMIF/EVEDA Accelerator Prototype -- Objectives & Plans |
Christophe Vermare, Pascal Garin, Hiroyuki Shidara (IFMIF/EVEDA, Rokkasho), Pierre-Yves Beauvais, Alban Mosnier (CEA/IRFU, Gif-sur-Yvette), Angel Ibarra (CIEMAT, Madrid), Roland Heidinger (Fusion for Energy, Garching), Alberto Facco, Andrea Pisent (INFN/LNL, Legnaro (PD)), Sunao Maebara, Hiroki Takahashi (JAEA, Ibaraki-ken), Shigeru O'hira, Yoshikazu Okumura (JAEA, Rokkasho), Haruyuki Kimura, Katsuhiro Shinto (Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), Rokkasho, Kamikita, Aomori) |
Thermal Characteristics of a New RFQ for J-PARC |
Yasuhiro Kondo, Kazuo Hasegawa, Takatoshi Morishita (JAEA/J-PARC, Tokai-Mura, Naka-Gun, Ibaraki-Ken), Hiroshi Matsumoto, Fujio Naito (KEK, Ibaraki) |
Fabrication of the New RFQ for the J-PARC Linac |
Takatoshi Morishita, Kazuo Hasegawa, Yasuhiro Kondo (JAEA/J-PARC, Tokai-Mura, Naka-Gun, Ibaraki-Ken), H. Baba, Yoichiro Hori, Hiroshi Kawamata, Hiroshi Matsumoto, Fujio Naito, Yoshio Saito, Masakazu Yoshioka (KEK, Ibaraki) |
Design and Simulation of C6+ Hybrid Single Cavity Linac for Cancer Therapy |
Liang Lu, Toshiyuki Hattori, Noriyosu Hayashizaki (RLNR, Tokyo) |
Construction of New Injector Linac for RI Beam Factory at RIKEN Nishina Center |
Kazunari Yamada, Shigeaki Arai, Masaki Fujimaki, Tadashi Fujinawa, Nobuhisa Fukunishi, Akira Goto, Yoshihide Higurashi, Eiji Ikezawa, Osamu Kamigaito, Masayuki Kase, Misaki Komiyama, Keiko Kumagai, Takeshi Maie, Takahide Nakagawa, Jun-ichi Ohnishi, Hiroki Okuno, Naruhiko Sakamoto, Yoichi Sato, Kenji Suda, Hiroshi Watanabe, Yutaka Watanabe, Yasushige Yano, Shigeru Yokouchi (RIKEN Nishina Center, Wako), Hiroshi Fujisawa (Kyoto ICR, Uji, Kyoto) |
Design of the CPHS RFQ Linac at Tsinghua University |
Qingzi Xing, Yujie Bai, Jinchi Cai, Cheng Cheng, Taibin Du, Xialing Guan, Jie Wei, Zhengfeng Xiong, Huayi Zhang, Shu-xin Zheng (TUB, Beijing), Weiqiang Guan, Yu He, Jian Li (NUCTECH, Beijing), James Billen, James Stovall, Lloyd Martin Young (TechSource, Santa Fe, New Mexico) |
Primary Design of DTL for CPHS |
Shu-xin Zheng, Xialing Guan, Jie Wei, Huayi Zhang (TUB, Beijing), James Stovall (CERN, Geneva), Jinhai Li (CIAE, Beijing), Yaliang Zhao (IHEP Beijing, Beijing), Jian Li, Dong-sheng zhang (NUCTECH, Beijing), James Billen, Lloyd Martin Young (TechSource, Santa Fe, New Mexico) |
Operation of the PEFP 20MeV Proton Linac at KAERI |
Hyeok-Jung Kwon, Eun-Mi An, Yong-Sub Cho, In-Seok Hong, Ji-Ho Jang, Dae-Il Kim, Han-Sung Kim, Kyungjean Min, Bum-Sik Park, Kyung Tae Seol, Young-Gi Song, Sang-Pil Yun (KAERI, Daejon) |
Progress Work on High-current Heavy Ion Linac for ITEP TWAC Facility |
Vladimir Andreev, Nikolay Nikolaevich Alexeev, Andrei Kolomiets, Victor Koshelev, Viktor Kuzmichev, Sergey Minaev, Boris B.Y. Sharkov (ITEP, Moscow) |
Conceptual Design of the ESS LINAC |
Mohammad Eshraqi, Mathias Brandin, Ibon Bustinduy, Colin James Carlile, Hakan Hahn, Mats Lindroos, Cristina Oyon, Steve Peggs, Aurélien Ponton, Karin Rathsman (ESS, Lund), Rama Calaga, Todd Satogata (BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York), Andreas Jansson (Fermilab, Batavia) |
Mechanical Design, Brazing and Assembly Procedures of the Linac4 RFQ |
Serge Jean Mathot, Pierre Bourquin, Andre Briswalter, Thierry Callamand, Jacky Carosone, Nadine Favre, Jean-Marie Geisser, Alessandra Maria Lombardi, Vincent Maire, Marina Malabaila, Dominique Pugnat, Philippe Richerot, Benoit Riffaud, Carlo Rossi, Marc Alexander Timmins, Agostino Vacca, Giovanna Vandoni, Maurizio Vretenar (CERN, Geneva) |
The Mechanical Engineering Design of the FETS RFQ |
Peter Savage, Saad Alsari, Simon Jolly (Imperial College of Science and Technology, London), Jürgen Klaus Pozimski (Imperial College of Science and Technology, London; STFC/RAL, Chilton, Didcot, Oxon), Scott Robert Lawrie, Alan P. Letchford, Philip Wise (STFC/RAL/ISIS, Chilton, Didcot, Oxon) |
Assessing the Transmission of the H- Ion Beam on the Front End Test Stand |
Scott Robert Lawrie, Dan Faircloth, Alan P. Letchford, Michael Perkins (STFC/RAL/ISIS, Chilton, Didcot, Oxon), Jürgen Klaus Pozimski (Imperial College of Science and Technology, London), Christoph Gabor (STFC/RAL/ASTeC, Chilton, Didcot, Oxon) |
Combined Electromagnetic-Thermal-Structural Simulation of the Four-metre Radio Frequency Quadrupole to be Installed on the Front End Test Stand |
Scott Robert Lawrie, Alan P. Letchford (STFC/RAL/ISIS, Chilton, Didcot, Oxon), Jürgen Klaus Pozimski, Peter Savage (Imperial College of Science and Technology, London) |
MEBT Design for the RAL Front End Test Stand |
Ciprian Plostinar (STFC/RAL/ASTeC, Chilton, Didcot, Oxon) |
Design Optimisation and Particle Tracking Simulations for PAMELA Injector RFQ |
Matt Easton, Morteza Aslaninejad, Simon Jolly, Jürgen Klaus Pozimski (Imperial College of Science and Technology, London), Ken Peach (JAI, Egham, Surrey) |
650 MHz Option for High-energy Part of the Project X linac |
Vyacheslav P. Yakovlev, Mark Stuart Champion, Ivan V. Gonin, Sergei Nagaitsev, Nikolay Solyak (Fermilab, Batavia), Arun Saini (University of Delhi, Delhi) |
H-Mode Accelerating Structures with PMQ Focusing for Low-Beta Ion Beams |
Sergey Kurennoy, James Francis O'Hara, Eric Richard Olivas, Lawrence Rybarcyk (LANL, Los Alamos, New Mexico) |
Experimental Study of the SNS MEBT Chopper Performance |
Alexander V. Aleksandrov, Craig Deibele (ORNL, Oak Ridge, Tennessee) |
Bunched Beam Stochastic Cooling at COSY |
Takeshi Katayama (GSI, Darmstadt), Rudolf Maier, Dieter Prasuhn, Rolf Stassen, Hans Stockhorst (FZJ, Jülich), Igor Nikolai Meshkov (JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region), Takashi Kikuchi (Nagaoka University of Technology, Nagaoka, Niigata) |
Beam Accumulation with Barrier Voltage and Stochastic Cooling |
Takeshi Katayama, Markus Steck (GSI, Darmstadt), Rudolf Maier, Dieter Prasuhn, Rolf Stassen, Hans Stockhorst (FZJ, Jülich), Igor Nikolai Meshkov (JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region), Takashi Kikuchi (Nagaoka University of Technology, Nagaoka, Niigata) |
A Novel Method for the Preparation of Cooled Rare Isotope Beams |
Markus Steck, Carsten Brandau, Christina Dimopoulou, Christophor Kozhuharov, Fritz Nolden (GSI, Darmstadt) |
Status of the 2 MeV Electron Cooler for COSY/ HESR |
Juergen Dietrich, Vsevolod Kamerdzhiev (FZJ, Jülich), Maxim Igorevich Bryzgunov, Anatoly Danilovich Goncharov, Vitalij Panasyuk, Vasily Parkhomchuk, Vladimir Borisovich Reva, Dmitry Nikolaevich Skorobogatov (BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk) |
Stochastic Momentum Cooling Experiments with a Barrier Bucket Cavity and Internal Targets at COSY-Juelich in Preparation for HESR at FAIR |
Hans Stockhorst, Rudolf Maier, Dieter Prasuhn, Rolf Stassen (FZJ, Jülich), Takeshi Katayama (GSI, Darmstadt) |
Ionization Cooling in a Low-energy ion Ring with Internal Target for Beta-beams Production |
Elena Benedetto (National Technical University of Athens, Zografou) |
Numerical Study on Simultaneous Use of Stochastic Cooling and Electron Cooling with Internal Target at COSY |
Takashi Kikuchi, Nob Harada, Toru Sasaki, Hiroshi Tamukai (Nagaoka University of Technology, Nagaoka, Niigata), Juergen Dietrich, Rudolf Maier, Dieter Prasuhn, Rolf Stassen, Hans Stockhorst (FZJ, Jülich), Takeshi Katayama (GSI, Darmstadt) |
Horizontal-Vertical Coupling for Three Dimensional Laser Cooling* |
Tatsuya Hiromasa, Masao Nakao, Akira Noda, Hikaru Souda, Hiromu Tongu (Kyoto ICR, Uji, Kyoto), Kouichi Jimbo (Kyoto IAE, Kyoto), Toshiyuki Shirai (NIRS, Chiba-shi) |
Optical Measurement of Transverse Laser Cooling with Synchro-Betatron Coupling* |
Masao Nakao, Tatsuya Hiromasa, Akira Noda, Hikaru Souda, Hiromu Tongu (Kyoto ICR, Uji, Kyoto), Hiromi Okamoto (HU/AdSM, Higashi-Hiroshima), Alexander V. Smirnov (JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region), Kouichi Jimbo (Kyoto IAE, Kyoto), Manfred Grieser (MPI-K, Heidelberg), Toshiyuki Shirai (NIRS, Chiba-shi) |
Transverse Laser Cooling by Synchro-betatron Coupling |
Hikaru Souda, Tatsuya Hiromasa, Masao Nakao, Akira Noda, Hiromu Tongu (Kyoto ICR, Uji, Kyoto), Hiromi Okamoto (HU/AdSM, Higashi-Hiroshima), Alexander V. Smirnov (JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region), Kouichi Jimbo (Kyoto IAE, Kyoto), Manfred Grieser (MPI-K, Heidelberg), Toshiyuki Shirai (NIRS, Chiba-shi) |
Beam Lifetime with the Vacuum System in S-LSR |
Hiromu Tongu, Tatsuya Hiromasa, Masao Nakao, Akira Noda, Hikaru Souda (Kyoto ICR, Uji, Kyoto), Toshiyuki Shirai (NIRS, Chiba-shi) |
Effect of Secondary Ions on the Electron Beam Optics in the Recycler Electron Cooler |
Alexander V. Shemyakin, Lionel Prost, Gregory Warren Saewert (Fermilab, Batavia) |
A Helical Cooling Channel System for Muon Colliders |
Katsuya Yonehara (Fermilab, Batavia), Yaroslav Serg Derbenev (JLAB, Newport News, Virginia), Rolland Paul Johnson, Michael Neubauer (Muons, Inc, Batavia) |
Progress on Analytical Modeling of Coherent Electron Cooling |
Gang Wang, Michael Blaskiewicz, Vladimir N. Litvinenko (BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York) |
Large Aperture Electron Beam Scan with Vibrating Wire Monitor in Air |
Suren Arutunian, Mikayel Davtyan, Ivan Vasiniuk (YerPhI, Yerevan) |
A Novel Synchrotron Radiation Interferometer for the Australian Synchrotron |
Kent Peter Wootton (Monash University, Clayton, Victoria), Mark James Boland (ASCo, Clayton, Victoria) |
Upgrade of the Booster Beam Position Monitors at the Australian Synchrotron |
Elsa van Garderen, Andrew Starritt, Yaw-Ren Eugene Tan, Karl Zingre (ASCo, Clayton, Victoria) |
Progress with Low Intensity Diagnostics at ISAC |
Victor Alexandrovich Verzilov (TRIUMF, Vancouver) |
GEM-TPC Trackers for the Super-FRS at FAIR |
Matti Kalliokoski, Francisco Garcia, Antti Numminen, Eija M. Tuominen (HIP, University of Helsinki), Rudolf Janik, Miroslav Pikna, Branislav Sitar, Peter Strmen, Imrich Szarka (Comenius University in Bratislava, Bratislava), Rauno Lauhakangas (Helsinki University, University of Helsinki) |
Improvements of the Set-up and Procedures for Beam Energy Measurements at BESSY II |
Peter Kuske, Rainer Goergen, Jens Kuszynski, Peter Schmid (HZB, Berlin) |
Highly sensitive beam size monitor for pA currents at the MLS electron storage ring |
Christian Koschitzki, Arne Hoehl, Roman Markus Klein, Reiner Thornagel (PTB, Berlin), Joerg Feikes, Michael Hartrott, Godehard Wuestefeld (HZB, Berlin) |
Measurement and Correction of the Longitudinal and Transversal Tunes during the Fast Energy Ramp at ELSA |
Maren Eberhardt, Frank Frommberger, Wolfgang C.A. Hillert, André Roth (ELSA, Bonn) |
Beam Position Monitoring Based on Higher Beam Harmonics for Application in Compact Medical and Industrial Linear Electron Accelerators |
Marcel Ruf, Lorenz-Peter Schmidt (U. Erlangen-Nurnberg LHFT, Erlangen), Stefan Setzer (Siemens Med, Erlangen) |
Error Emittance and Error Twiss Functions in the Problem of Reconstruction of Difference Orbit Parameters by Usage of BPM's with Finite Resolution |
Vladimir Balandin, Winfried Decking, Nina Golubeva (DESY, Hamburg) |
Resolution Studies of Inorganic Scintillation Screens for High Energy and High Brilliance Electron Beams |
Gero Kube, Christopher Behrens (DESY, Hamburg), Werner Lauth (IKP, Mainz) |
PETRA III Diagnostics Beamline for Emittance Measurements |
Gero Kube, Josef Gonschior, Ulrich Hahn, Gunnar Priebe, Horst Schulte-Schrepping, Christian Wiebers (DESY, Hamburg), Petr Ilinski (BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York), Stefan Weisse (DESY Zeuthen, Zeuthen), Christian G. Schroer (TUD, Dresden) |
Upgrade and Evaluation of the Bunch Compression Monitor at the Free-electron Laser in Hamburg (FLASH) |
Christopher Behrens, Bernhard Schmidt, Stephan Wesch (DESY, Hamburg), Daniele Nicoletti (Università di Roma I La Sapienza, Roma) |
Femtosecond Temporal Overlap of Injected Electron Beam and EUV Pulse at sFLASH |
Roxana Tarkeshian, Armin Azima, Joern Boedewadt, Hossein Delsim-Hashemi, Velizar Miltchev, Juliane Roensch-Schulenburg, Jörg Rossbach (Uni HH, Hamburg), Evgeny Saldin, Holger Schlarb, Siegfried Schreiber (DESY, Hamburg), Rasmus Ischebeck (PSI, Villigen), Bhaskar Mukherjee (Westdeutsches Protonentherapiezentrum, Essen) |
The Diagnostics System at the Cryogenic Storage Ring CSR |
Manfred Grieser, Robin Bastert, Klaus Blaum, Henrik Buhr, Daniel Fischer, Felix Laux, Roland Repnow, Thomas Sieber [on leave], Robert von Hahn, Andreas Wolf (MPI-K, Heidelberg), Akira Noda, Hikaru Souda (Kyoto ICR, Uji, Kyoto) |
Nondestructive Beam Instrumentation and Electron Cooling Beam Studies at COSY |
Vsevolod Kamerdzhiev, Juergen Dietrich (FZJ, Jülich), Tino Giacomini (GSI, Darmstadt), Andriy Kobets, Igor Nikolai Meshkov, Alexander Rudakov, Anatoly O. Sidorin (JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region), Christian Boehme (UniDo/IBS, Dortmund) |
Single Bunch Operation at ANKA: Gun Performance, Timing and First Results |
Andre Hofmann, Ingrid Birkel, Miriam Fitterer, Steffen Hillenbrand, Nicole Hiller, Erhard Huttel, Vitali Judin, Marit Klein, Sebastian Marsching, Anke-Susanne Mueller, Nigel John Smale, Kiran G. Sonnad (KIT, Karlsruhe), Pedro Fernandes Tavares (KIT, Karlsruhe; LNLS, Campinas) |
Various Improvements to Operate the 1.5 GeV HDSM at MAMI |
Marco Dehn, Oleg Chubarov, Hans Euteneuer, Robert Gerd Heine, Andreas Jankowiak, Hans-Joachim Kreidel, Patrik Ott (IKP, Mainz) |
Plannar Microchannel Target |
Huashun Zhang, Keyun Gong, Yufang Ruan (IHEP Beijing, Beijing), Jianshe Cao (IHEP Beiing, Beijing) |
FERMI@Elettra Low-Energy RF Deflector FEM Analysis |
Daniele La Civita, Paolo Craievich, Youssef Abbass Kharoubi, Giuseppe Penco (ELETTRA, Basovizza), Marco Petronio (DEEI, Trieste) |
Fast IR Array Detector for Transverse Beam Diagnostics at DAFNE |
Alessio Bocci, Mariangela Cestelli Guidi, Alberto Clozza, Alessandro Drago, Antonio Grilli, Augusto Marcelli, Agostino Raco, Rossano Sorchetti (INFN/LNF, Frascati (Roma)), Lisa Gambicorti (INOA, Firenze), Antonio De Sio, Emanuele Pace (Università degli Studi di Firenze, Firenze), Jozef Piotrowski (VIGO System S.A., Ozarow Maz.) |
High Brightness Beam Measurement Techniques and Analysis at SPARC |
Daniele Filippetto, Marco Bellaveglia, Enrica Chiadroni, Alessandro Gallo, Barbara Marchetti (INFN/LNF, Frascati (Roma)), Concetta Ronsivalle (ENEA C.R. Frascati, Frascati (Roma)), Alessandro Cianchi (INFN-Roma II, Roma), Andrea Mostacci (Rome University La Sapienza, Roma) |
Space Charge Analysis on the Multi-wire Proportional Chamber for the High Rate Incident Beams |
Ken Katagiri, Takuji Furukawa, Koji Noda, Eri Takeshita (NIRS, Chiba-shi) |
Development of an Apparatus for Measuring Transverse Phase-space Acceptance |
Hirotsugu Kashiwagi, Ikuo Ishibori, Tomohisa Ishizaka, Satoshi Kurashima, Nobumasa Miyawaki, Takayuki Nara, Susumu Okumura, Watalu Yokota, Kenichi Yoshida, Yosuke Yuri, Takahiro Yuyama (JAEA/TARRI, Gunma-ken) |