Session : TUOCMH - 25 MAY 2010
Beam Instrumentation and Feedback

Pulse-to-pulse Beam Modulation and Event-based Beam Feedback Systems at KEKB Linac   TUOCMH01.PDF
Kazuro Furukawa, Tatsuro Nakamura, Masanori Satoh, Tsuyoshi Suwada (KEK, Ibaraki)
Stabilization and Fine Positioning to the Nanometre Level of the CLIC Main Beam Quadrupoles   TUOCMH02.PDF
Kurt Artoos, Christophe Collette, Pablo Fernandez Carmona, Michael Guinchard, Claude Hauviller, Stef Janssens, Andrey Kuzmin, Friedrich Lackner, Raphael Leuxe, Ansten Slaathaug (CERN, Geneva)
Initial Experience with the Machine Protection System for LHC   TUOCMH03.PDF
Ruediger Schmidt, Ralph Assmann, Bernd Dehning, Massimiliano Ferro-Luzzi, Brennan Goddard, Mike Lamont, Andrzej Piotr Siemko, Jan Uythoven, Jorg Wenninger, Markus Zerlauth (CERN, Geneva)